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PXG Sugar Daddy II Custom Wedge

The PXG Sugar Daddy II wedges are one of the newest releases in the PXG 0311 series. If you are looking for extra precision and the ability to stop the ball around the green, a premium wedge is a great choice. Every golfer's short game has unique characteristics, so choosing a custom PXG Sugar Daddy II can fine-tune the performance you see. Let's look at what this club offers and the customization options from PXG. 

PXG 0311 Sugar Daddy II Wedges 

With the 100% milled Sugar Daddy II wedges, you will benefit from several grind options, two color finishes, and stopping power that is difficult to match. 

Chrome and Xtreme Dark Finish 

Wedges end up in your hands a lot during the course of a round of golf; it's important to choose wedges that you find appealing. The PXG Sugar Daddy II Custom wedges are great looking, but you have the option to choose between the Chrome finish and the Xtreme Dark. The performance from both color finishes will be the same, but the personal preference for the look and design certainly matters. 

Grind Options 

The PXG 0311 Sugar Daddy Wedges have the BP Grind at 13 degrees of bounce and the C Grind at 10 degrees of bounce. The BP is for soft sand and thicker turf conditions. If you have a steep angle of attack and are looking for a wedge with plenty of bounce to support your performance, the BP grind is a great choice. 

The C Grind is for firm conditions. With a little less bounce, the C Grind is designed for versatility around the greens. 

Loft Options 

Luckily the PXG 0311 Sugar Daddy II Wedges come in lofts ranging from 50-62 degrees, so you have the ability to fill your bag with a complete set of these wedges. Mixing in the two different bounce options also increases the number of options you have with the PXG Sugar Daddy. 

Full Face Grooves 

Full-face grooves across the PXG Sugar Daddy II wedges increase overall spin and allow for performance out of any lie. Even if you need to play a shot with a clubface a little open or closed, you won't have to worry about generating that interaction between the clubface and ball that creates spin. 

Who Should Play the PXG Sugar Daddy II Custom Wedges?

The Sugar Daddy II Custom wedges from PXG are designed for golfers looking for accuracy and fine-tuned performance around the greens. If you know your short game needs a little help to become more accurate, this is a wedge that could make all the difference. 

Be sure to look at shaft options from Fairway Jockey. Custom shafts in your PXG Sugar Daddy II Custom wedges will only enhance the accuracy, spin, and stopping power that you can get from these clubs. 

If you have yet to try any of the PXG golf wedges or irons, the PXG Sugar Daddy II Custom Wedges are a great place to start. Introduce yourself to the feel and precision that golfers are finding with these clubs and elevate your golf game. 


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